What Is MF In Water Purifier?

What Is MF In Water Purifier?

MF In Water Purifier Stands For Micro Filtration. It is a membrane-based water purification technology that eliminates bacteria from the water.

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RO, UV, and UF technologies are used widely in water purifiers, and almost all of us are aware of this. But Guys, various other abbreviations are used in water. You can check most of the water purifier abbreviations here. In this article will be discussing what is MF in a water purifier. So keep connected and read the article till the end.

It Is A Water Purification Technology That Is Quite Similar To RO Technology, But The Semi-Permeable Used In The MF Technology Has Slightly Bigger Pores Size 0.1 micron, So This Is Suitable For Eliminating Bacteria Only.

Along with bacteria, an MF technology-based water purifier eliminates all the suspended particles and visible impurities like dirt, mud, rust, sand, etc. The best thing about this technology is that it doesn't require electricity for filtering out the water contamination.

Does MF Technology Reduce TDS Level In Water?

No, MF technology-based water purifiers don't reduce TDS levels in the water. Guy an MF water purifier reduces 0% TDS level in the water, and the main reason for the same is the membrane used in the MF technology has a pore size of 0.1 microns.

Actually, the pore size of the membrane used in the MF technology ranges between 0.1 µm to 10 µm. Thus, the slightly larger size allows the passage of water, monovalent & multivalent ions, and viruses.

This may lead to confusion that if it doesn't reduce TDS and doesn't kill the virus, how can you drink water purified with MF technology. But Guys, don't worry because the MF technology in a water purifier is mainly used with other water purification technology, so there is nothing to worry about. You will only get the purest drinking water.

Difference Between MF And RO Water Purifier

In the above section, we have discussed that the MF technology used in a water purifier is similar in function with RO technology-based water purifier but has one big difference: the pore size of the membrane.

The membrane used in the MF water purifier has a slightly higher pores size than the membrane used in the RO water purifier. But these two water purification technologies possess various other differences, which we have tabulated below. So look at the below-listed table and know the basic to advance differences in MF and RO water purifiers.

MF Water Purifier

RO Water Purifier

The pore size of the membrane is ranged between 0.1 to 10 µm

The pore size of the RO membrane is about 0.0001 µm

It doesn’t require electricity

It requires electricity

Filter out bacteria

It removes bacteria, viruses, fungus, and others

Can work at the normal tap water pressure

It needs high water pressures

Can’t eliminate dissolved salts & harmful metals

Can easily remove the dissolved salts & harmful metals

It doesn’t eliminate the TDS in water

It can eliminate 90% of TDS in water

There is no water wastage

Comparatively, waste more water

Note- An RO technology-based water purifier is widely accepted. It can eliminate all kinds of contamination from the water, whereas the MF technology water purifier can eliminate only selected water contamination.

A Quick Glance Of MF In Water Purifier

Below we have tabulated the complete information about the MF technology. You can glance to summarize the MF in the water purifier in a few seconds.

  • It doesn't require electricity for operation
  • MF technology filters out only bacteria from water
  • It can work with normal tap water
  • Insufficient in eliminating dissolved salts & harmful metals
  • Can filter out suspended particles, visible impurities like dirt
  • Pore size of the membrane in 0.1 micron
  • Reduce 0% TDS from water
  • No wastage of water

We hope that this will help you understand what MF is in a water purifier. But you still have any doubt, do contact us at @93-115-87716. Our customer care executive will help you with all the issues reading MF technology-based water purifiers. However, you can also contact us on our Facebook page.

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